- The most popular controllers used with Xpadder in 2020: Show
- Right-click the image, Copy and use the Paste button in Xpadder Controller Settings window:
- Where to Download Other Controller Images: Show
- The image you copy or save must be 512x256 in size. Xpadder will make any pink transparent
You can download images here:
Google Xpadder Controller Images (link opens new tab)
Google #xpaddercontrollerimages (link opens new tab)
This hashtag is new and may return limited results at the moment
Xpadder Forum Archive (link opens new tab)
Primal Fear's collection (link opens new tab)
WiiFi's Xpadder Fan site (link opens new tab)
- How to download Xpadder Controller Images: Show
- 1) In your browser, right-click a controller image and then Copy or Save (BMP only)
2) In Xpadder, in the Controller Settings window click Paste (if you copied) or Open (if you saved)
- How to create Controller Images: Show
- First of all you need a paint app (on your computer or online)
The bottom line:
Xpadder Controller Images are 512x256 BMP files
Xpadder can only open uncompressed 256/16m colour BMPs but you CAN copy and paste the contents of any format directly into the Controller Settings window (using the Image options)
Xpadder uses the colour magenta (RGB:255,0,255) for transparency
How to create
1) Download an image of your controller from the internet. Alternatively, you can take a photo of your own controller or draw it directly!
2) Resize the image so that it is 256 pixels high. If the new image is now more than 512 wide then undo that resize and resize the image again but 512 pixels wide
3) If the new image is 256 pixels high then you need to expand the canvas to 512 wide (centering the image). If the new image is 512 wide then you need to expand the canvas to 256 high (with the image at the bottom)
4) Fill any white space with the colour magenta (see above) using a tolerance value to remove any off-white pixels
5) Copy the image and paste into the Controller Settings window (using the Image options). Look at the main Xpadder window to test how it looks
6) Save the image as an uncompressed BMP for personal use
- How to share Xpadder Controller Images: Show
- Post your image (on any social media or suitable website) and include the hashtag #xpaddercontrollerimages
Eventually Google will find it so other users can too
Make sure you can copy your posted image and paste it into Xpadder ok. It's important that the post does not alter the image in any way or Xpadder will not be able to use it