Gosh an I happy to find this after almost a decade! I've a legion Go and I think your software is going to be a life saver!
2023-12 Anon
Thank you for this great app, really liking it so far!
2023-12 J
OK, thank you I have been using xpadder for years and love everything about it and I recommend to all my friends and even people I just met when discussing pc games
2023-12 Jodie, USA
You are amazing mate! Still trying to get my friends to get this program

2023-04 S, Germany
Thank you for making suck a Usefull program i used it from emulation to applications to programing to STREAming to the works and i used it even on MAC and On Pc Recommend lv.10 not just for gamers but also the creative THANK YOU!
2023-02 Jon, USA
It must be over ten years now that every time I get a new computer I have to download xpadder again and every time I return to the site I'm prepared to pay again but never have to. Fantastic software I would honestly be happy to buy for every new install!
2023-01 Martin, UK
Gran trabajo,estoy muy contento con este programa , el mejor de todos.
Great job, I am very happy with this program, the best of all.
2022-12 Roger, Spain
It's a great utility that adds controller options to games with zero controller support! I post your link on my steam reviews
2022-12 LX, USA
thanks for your hard work!

2022-10 brian, USA
Not much to say, other than I've only had the program for about 2 hours and already love it. I'm finally getting to play my older games with a controller on my couch. Thanks for the great software!
2022-04 Andrew, USA
Hello, i just wanted to make sure you receive my thanks, i was sceptikal tbh. But i really can see the work you put into it. Keep Rocking and thks it's a great investment i did for i am a gamer. Big Hello from French Polynesia Islands.
2022-04 Bryan, France
I just wanted to say thank you for continuing to work on this, I've been using this for years and it's been a wonderful utility.
2022-03 F, USA
I bought xpadder some months ago and I am really enjoying it, thanks!
2022-02 Alejandro, Spain
Just wanted to say thanks for creating a great program. Do to nerve damage in my hands using a mouse/keyboard is difficult to play real time games especially MMORPG's.Controllers make it possible to play. Best $9.95 I ever spent. Thx Steve
2021-12 Stephen, USA
Great utility!!
2021-11 Michael, USA
Danke für Ihre Arbeit! Solche guten Programme kann man gut gebrauchen!
(Thanks for your work! Such good programs are really useful!))
2021-11 Jens, DE
thanks for this awesome app
2021-11 Kenny, Singapore
Hello. I have been using xpadder for almost a decade now
2021-09 Thomas, US
Im glad to have been an early adopter. Keep it up I have been using this for over 10 years
2020-12 Saleem, Saudi Arabia
the program is awesome (helped me in many ways)
2021-07 Jan, Netherlands
Just want to thank you for your work over the years
2021-06 Sean, USA
xpadder is awesome! and thanks for working on it
2021-05 Moza, Romania
Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for maintaining your excellent app all these years. I bought it from you back in 2013, and it remains my favorite controller assignment app to this day
2021-04 David, USA
I hate how difficult it is to manage controllers across so many different apps. Xpadder is the only thing that _just works_ intuitively
2021-04 Travis, USA
The best mouse and keyboard emulation app on your gamepad! I use Xpadder for more than a year.
Due to the disability, i have to control the computer with a gamepad and Xpadder allows you to configure everything as you like. Thx!
2021-03 AC, Russia
Thank you very much to developer this software

2021-02 Jose, Mexico
Truly the only thing like it available that actually works!
2021-02 Douglas, USA
you and your program save my pc gaming's life on pc until 10 years thanks!!
2021-02 Tref, Italy
Thanks for the wonderful product besides, made gaming and streaming a lot cooler!
2021-01 Amin, France
I have been a long time user of your excellent Xpadder program
2021-01 D, Australia
Im glad to have been an early adopter. Keep it up I have been using this for over 10 years
2020-12 Sal, Malaysia
I think I have been a user for almost 7 years now and just want you to know you have made a truly amazing program for the community. If you ever had put this on the steam market it would be my most played "game" by a wide margin of hours. Thanks
2020-11 Clarke, USA
XPADDER IS AWESOME! Snes controller + roblox =

2020-08, Jean, USA
Xpadder has been very helpful, it works great, thank you a lot
2020-08 Hamid, Saudi Arabia
I bought Xpadder 5 years ago (best purchase ever)
2020-06 J, Spain
Just wanted to let you know I've been using Xpadder for the last 12 years since losing an arm. I use it with the custom foot controllers I've made for myself over the years, none of it would be possible without Xpadder
2020-05 V, AUS
WOW! It's been like 15 years and your program rocks!!!
2020-05 Efren, Mexico
I purchased your software Xpadder and I'm really happy using it!
2020-05 Igor, IL
This really is a wonderful product.
2020-05 Kevin, USA
Thanks for all your hard work, I had this about 7 years ago and loved it
2020-04 Justin, USA
thank you very much for this nice code
2020-03 Rabea, UAE
Great piece of software!
2020-02 Goran, Croatia
thanks for an excellent piece of software. We first got this when my wife was hurt and it allowed her to continue to play the games she loves
2020-01 Terry (Australia)
This program is great, for what it can do. it is a bargain at 10$.
2020-01 Daniel, Canada
Great software found out about it through steam forums couldn’t recommend it enough helped me transition from console gaming to PC by giving me controller support on non supported games. Thank You!
2020-01 Tyler, USA
Thank you for this program. It does just about everything I could ever want it to do. The price point is far too low for how much of an amazing program you provide. Again, thank you for xpadder.
2019-11 Drew, USA
Congrats for your hard work
2019-10 Rodrigo, Brazil
I'm a really big fan of your work. I'm really really thankful to you for that amazing software. Yours is the best out there!
2019-10 unknown
thank you for making Xpadder. Best gamepad solution ever.
2019-08 Zach, USA
is the besta application of the world. i like it
2019-08 Castillos USA
Thanks for making this a great application almost 10 years since I bought it initially. Brilliant in its simplicity.
2019-08 Pete, Australia
I really appreciate that you did this! Gaming ahoy! I will continue to recommend you very highly to friends!
2019-08 Richard, UK
Cool, this app is awesome, a must have for a machine like the GPD Win 2. Thanks!
2019-07 Chris, USA
xpadder is super nice work!
2019-07 Ansgar, Germany
thanks for the great software
2019-06 Anonymous
I love this software. I am loving it. Thank you!
2019-05 Nicholas USA
I love this! Being a disabled player, this makes it so much easier to map keys to my PowerA Switch controller to play games on my PC.
2019-04 Natalie USA
love the program, 10/10
2019-04 Evan, Ireland
5 Stars. I use plenty of these programs, this is a very nice straight forward even a baby can get going in seconds playing games with a controller normally taboo.
Ross (USA) 2019-03
Nice one
2019-03 Anonymous
ta very much for making this wicked program, it's handy and I've used it a lot for years to play games like Halo, Rogue Trooper and even the Gears of War games for Windows with a ps2 controller which I love and "grew up" on =P
Matthew (UK) 2019-03
Just wanted to say I've used your program for years and you have done the best job ever. AWESOME!!! Its the best and would not be without it. Im a computer engineer and have made a few controller images that work great with what you have done. Thank you
James 2019-03
I love the program!
Kurt 2019-02
great product!!
Daniel 2019-01
happy with the software thank you for your hard word to make this happen!
Omar 2018-12
it's brilliant! thanks for creating a great program
2018-11 Damien
I LOVE Xpadder so much. Thank you. Carpal Tunnel/Arthritis makes enjoying games on PC difficult. Kicking back with a well designed hotkeys set to my Xbox 1 controller allows me to play MMOs. Thank you.
Carlos 2018-10
I've had Xpadder for a few years and love the program
R 2018-09
I've been enjoying your software forever now
Luiz 2018-09
I love your app! Thank you for all of your hard work on Xpadder!!
j 2018-09
Thanks for a great program!
Tom 2018-08
you can add my thanks to your long list of accolades. great toy!
Fred 2018-07
I think you are cool. This is a really great program. Second time I have bought it!
Ben 2018-07-21
Thank you for this great app
Fredrick 2018-07
The best of the best! Thank you so much Jonathan
Cedric 2018-07
Awesome software,keep up the good work
Christopher 2018-06
neat program you've made. this program has been really usefull
Been using this since about '09! The single greatest app on my PC.
Thank you so much, your program is the best.
Incredibly useful program which I've been using for years. Thank you Jonathan!
I have just got back in to using Xpadder and loving it
James (UK)
I'm enjoying Xpadder. It's easier to use than other similar products
I bought Xpadder back in 2013, and I have loved using it for many different games since then. Its an awesome piece of software and you've done a great job building it
I have to add - this is a KILLER program. It is hugely versatile with extreme level of feature and function. The details around so many variables - configurations - it's totally agnostic, and offers EVERY single possible way a person would need to use their controllers, with cool mouseover tooltips that work and make-sense. It's almost but not entirely self-documenting, but that is an extremely difficult thing to do, especially with such a versatile program that probably works with all controllers that use sticks, dpads, buttons and triggers in support of both DirectInput and XInput... it really ROCKS... it is a HELL'A KILLER program, in words my nephew might use ;-) To develop and support, and document something like this, with so much functionality/features could easily occupy a team of at least a few engineers, which makes it all the more impressive - really.
2013-06 Stephen, USA
Thanks. Very good program!
Excellent, worth every penny
neat program you've made.
thanks for an awesome utility.
Xpadder is a great utility, I'm glad I downloaded it
this is money well spent
this software is amazing.almost perfect
I recently purchased xpadder and i love it
I love your work
I love this program
You rock, thanks!!
I've been using Xpadder for 8 Years. It's freaking great!

I had only played games on console before so xpadder really made the migration alot easier.
I would also like to thank you for making Xpadder! I've been using it religiously for over 5 years. It has, and continues, to play a huge part in my inspiration to pursue entrepreneurship
thank you for this great tool Sir, It's a life saver!
Without xpadder, gaming on pc wouldn't have been anywhere near as immersive!
a user
Thanks so much for this brilliant software, I've been using it for 6 years with barely a fault!
I love your product
This is a heck of a program, you clearly know what your doing! well designed, easy for beginners.
Thanks for this program, excellent on all counts
I love the program
Just played around with it a little and I already love it!!! Keep up the good work, and thanks again!!
Thanks for a great program
Been using Xpadder now for quite some time and loving it! Thank you.
kieran j
Dude this software is great. My wrists have been giving me trouble lately and playing PC games on keyboard/mouse isn't as easy as it used to be. This lets me play games that don't have controller support on controller. You're awesome!
Thanks for creating such a great program, keep up the great work!
Adam B
THANK YOU for your work on this great software
Irving A
Thanks for the great software!
I like this program very much. It saves my shoulder. Thank you.
Marc A
Great work with xpadder! Thank You.
Marcel R
Thanks for your fantastic job !
Thanks it's a great bit of software!
Hey Jonathan, Love your app! I use it on a constant basis when I get tired of playing games with my keyboard
In my opinion one of the best mapping programs. xpadder for me is an excellent program
I'm really liking your product. I've been using Xpadder for a lot of games (especially MMO's) and I think it's a great tool to have. Keep up the great work!
Xpadder is the most intuitive, simple to use, gamepad keymapper I've ever used. I've been using it since 2009 and keep coming back to it for the advanced features it has to offer.
It works perfectly. This/you are AMAZING! Well worth the money. I now look forward to the kb/m games I couldn't play before. Thank you!
Software is great thanks.
I have been using Xpadder for about 8 years now and it's one of the coolest things I own.
I'm emailing to say "Thank You" for your xpadder. Even as a non-gaming popop, i found configuring the logitech pc controller simple to accomplish, as well as tweak for Minecraft use.
Thank you for a great piece of software, i suffer from a mild arthritis in my wrists and thefore its uncomfortable for me to play video games in longer sessions. You're software made my day today. Glad i bought the produckt
I've been using Xpadder as an integral part of my [almost] daily gaming. Thank you for such an awesome program
First, let me complement your impressive work on Xpadder. I can tell it's well thought out from the video. It's well-regarded and comes with many recommendations